Sunday, November 18, 2012

Out of Touch: E-reading isn’t reading.

Out of Touch: E-reading isn’t reading, article.
Nothing is more suspect today than the book’s continued identity of being “at hand.” The spines, gatherings, threads, boards, and folds that once gave a book its shapeliness, that fit it to our hands, are being supplanted by the increasingly fine strata of new reading devices, integrated into vast woven systems of connection. If books are essentially vertebral, contributing to our sense of human uniqueness that depends upon bodily uprightness, digital texts are more like invertebrates, subject to the laws of horizontal gene transfer and nonlocal regeneration. Like jellyfish or hydra polyps, they always elude our grasp in some fundamental sense. 

That's the danger of academia: getting the ability to write in long and flowery terms about stuff you don't have a clue about.

More poetry:
“Instead of pressing to turn the page, we now swipe…The more my body does, however, the less my mind does. 

But the body has to do more work turning the page of a physical book than the mere tap on an ebook. So now you're actually counter-arguing yourself, dear author.

Update: here's a new article which makes well fun of the aforementioned article.

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